What Austin Athletes are Saying about Body Dynamix
“Before I started getting regular massages from Ann, I use to sustain regular injuries. But since I’ve been adding massage therapy to my training regime, I’m more energized, less injury-prone, and more aware of my body. Plus, my times have started to plummet. And it’s all thanks to Ann: she helped me reach a level of physical performance that I never thought I could achieve!”
— Eric Adcock, Cross country & Track and Field, Texas State University
“Since getting sports massages, I have not had a running injury in over three years. During this time I have run a couple of marathons, numerous half marathons and triathlons, and even a couple of half Ironmans. I have also noticed that when I get a sports massage after a long distance race or hard workout, I recover much faster. I am now able to train harder and as a result I am running faster and better than I ever had before. I attribute this in part to getting a regular sports massage from someone who is an expert on the human body. I would recommend Ann to anyone and have often. She has done wonders for me.”
— Marie Miller, Computer Programmer, Mom, Triathlete